Welcome to our "Extras" page!
If you've ever explored a DVD, you've probably enjoyed looking at outtakes, supporting information, or material that somehow wound up on the cutting room floor. This page is dedicated to similar material from our books. We hope you enjoy browsing.
Signs of the Times -- Memory Contest Announcement
Every Christmas since 1989 Kenya and David Anders have challenged the children in their family to memorize Bible verses with an announcement like this one from 2010.
Signs of the Times -- The Christmas Story from Luke 2: 1-20
Here's the video clip of our family at Christmas (2009) reciting the Luke 2 version of the Christmas Story from memory. As the adults will tell you, there is strength in numbers!
20/80 A Love Letter... Sort Of -- The Song Written by David Patson
In the chapter titled "Love?", the Editor’s footnote at the end of the chapter states: Drivel notwithstanding, David (Patson) continued to dabble in creative poetry and song at times throughout his life. He finally met with minor critical acclaim with a song he wrote for his wife’s 44th birthday, “An Audience of One”.